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Performance Indicator Reference Sheets
All Centers for Collaborative Research
Sustainable Higher Education Research Alliances

1. Number of Peer-reviewed Articles
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Number of Publications 80248 206534
Number of Journals 3766 39142
Number of Proceedings 43182 167392
Number of Indexed Scopus 71230 206507
Number of Non Indexed Scopus 918 27


2. Ratio of Citation to Publication
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Percentage of Cited Publications 43%21% 12%21%
Number of Cited Publications 3452 24110
Number of Publications 80248 206534
Number of Cited Journals 2125 1359
Number of Cited Proceedings 1327 1151
Number of Scholar Authors 91149 34274
Number of Male Scholars Authors 6999 24192
Number of Female Scholars Authors 2250 1082


3. Ratio of Academic Research Initiatives whose Findings are Utilized
The Kind of Data2018 20192020Total
Percentage of Research Initiatives 2.5% 2.5%
Number of Research Initiatives 2 2
Number of Topic of Research 58797979
Private Sectors 1 1
NGO Sectors 3 3
Replicated Type 2 2
Applied Type 1 1


1.1 Percentage of Scholars who Present at Conferences
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Percentage of Scholars who Present at Conferences 46%78% 13%
Number of Scholars who Present (Numerator) 76149 25250
Number of Target Scholars (Denominator) 166191 191
Number of Male Presenters 5281 20153
Number of Female Presenters 2468 597
Number of Presenters Under 25 Years Old 23 27
Number of Presenters 25-45 Years Old 5085 10145
Number of Presenters 46-65 Years Old 2250 1183
Number of Presenters Over 65 Years Old
Number of Master (S2) Presenters 4178 10129
Number of Ph.D. (S3) Presenters 2954 1295
Number of Sp1 Presenters 19 10
Number of Sp2 Presenters 1 1
Number of Professor (Postdoc) Presenters 57 315


1.1.1 Number of Short-term Training Courses Held
The Kind of Data 2017201820192020Total
Number of Short-term Courses Held3 2913 45
Number of Training Types1 207 28
Number of Workshop Types2 96 17
Number of Duration (Hours)50 892266 1208


1.1.2 Percentage of Researchers Participated in Short-term Training Courses
The Kind of Data 2017201820192020Total
Percentage of Participating Scholars 63%50%
Number of Participating Scholars (Numerator)80 817381 1278
Number of Target Scholars (Denominator) 1294769 769
Number of Male Scholars27 407193 627
Number of Female Scholars53 410188 651
Number of Master (S2) Participant33 405208 646
Number of Ph.D. (S3) Participant18 297123 438
Number of Sp1 Participant16 7132 119
Number of Sp2 Participant8 88 24
Number of Professor (Postdoc) Participant5 3610 51
Number of Scholars Under 25 Years Old 103 13
Number of Scholars 25-45 Years Old32 435233 700
Number of Scholars 46-65 Years Old37 329120 486
Number of Scholars Over 65 Years Old2 105 17
Number of All Participants89 904492 1485
Number of Male Participants31 449243 723
Number of Female Participants58 455249 762


1.1.3 Number of U.S. Scholars Visiting Indonesian Institutions to Train Indonesian Partners
The Kind of Data 2017201820192020Total
Number of U.S. Scholars Visitor4 1622 143
Number of Male Visitor2 1616 34
Number of Female Visitor2 6 19
Number of Visitor 25-45 Years Old 84 113
Number of Visitor 46-65 Years Old2 69 17
Number of Visitor Over 65 Years Old 12 3
Number of Master (S2) Visitor1 22 5
Number of Ph.D. (S3) Visitor2 715 24
Number of Professor (Postdoc) Visitor1 75 114
Number of Visits4 1622 143


1.2 Percentage of Scholars who Participate in Collaborative Research
The Kind of Data 2017201820192020Total
Percentage of Researcher 76%113% 4%
Number of Researcher (Numerator)21 267318 12444
Number of Target Researcher (Denominator) 350281 281
Number of Male Researcher12 159188 9262
Number of Female Researcher9 108130 3182
Number of Master (S2) Researcher11 130130 9202
Number of Ph.D. (S3) Researcher10 102112 3157
Number of Sp1 Researcher 1240 41
Number of Sp2 Researcher 28 8
Number of Professor (Postdoc) Researcher 2128 36
Number of Researcher Under 25 Years Old5 96 16
Number of Researcher 25-45 Years Old13 154178 10255
Number of Researcher 46-65 Years Old3 79110 1136
Number of Researcher Over 65 Years Old 3 3


1.2.1 Number of Indonesian Scholars who Participate in In-person Faculty Exchanges
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Number of Participating Scholars 1018 28
Number of Male Participant 99 18
Number of Female Participant 19 10
Number of Participant 25-45 Years Old 37 10
Number of Participant 46-65 Years Old 310 13
Number of Participant Over 65 Years Old 1 1
Number of Master (S2 and Sp1) Participant 5 5
Number of Ph.D. (S3 and Sp2) Participant 612 18
Number of Professor (Postdoc) Participant 41 5


1.2.2 Number of Indonesian Scholars who Receive Ongoing Mentoring
The Kind of Data 2017201820192020Total
Number of Scholars4 2849 76
Number of Male Scholars2 1216 27
Number of Female Scholars2 1633 49
Number of Scholars Under 25 Years Old1 21 3
Number of Scholars 25-45 Years Old3 1936 54
Number of Scholars 46-65 Years Old 611 17
Number of Scholars Over 65 Years Old 11 2
Number of Master (S2) Scholars3 2336 58
Number of Ph.D. (S3) Scholars1 311 14
Number of Sp1 Participant 11 2
Number of Sp2 Participant
Number of Professor (Postdoc) Scholars 11 2


2.1 Percentage of Institutions with Improved Research Policies and Systems
The Kind of Data2018 20192020
Percentage of Institutions 20%13% 17%
Number of Institutions (Numerator) 103 4
Number of Target Institutions (Denominator) 1523 23
Number of Leads Institutions 21
Number of Affiliates Institutions 82 4


2.1.1 Number of Institutions with Improved Research and Management Policies Developed
The Kind of Data2018 20192020Total
Number of Institutions 92 414
Number of Leads Institutions 11 2
Number of Affiliates Institutions 81 412


2.2 Percentage of CCR Members with Improved Administrative and Management Systems
The Kind of Data2017 201820192020
Percentage of Members 27%24% 14%
Number of Members (Numerator)1 45 3
Number of Target Members (Denominator) 1521 21
Number of Leads Members1 32
Number of Affiliates Members 13 3
Number of Gender Issue 21


2.2.1 Number of CCR Websites that are Operational and Being Used Regularly
The Kind of Data2018 20192020Total
Number of Websites 55 55


2.2.2 Number of CCR Knowledge Products Created
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Number of Products 236195 100532
Number of Products that have Gender Sensitive 1718 641
Number of Patent 1 23
Number of Guide or SOP 33 7
Number of Book 862 189
Number of Modul 24 6
Number of Research Report 2527 1365
Number of Proceeding 3856 67161
Number of Paper 2350 1285
Number of Presentation Material 22 22
Number of Infografis 6 6
Number of Poster 1712 29
Number of Factsheet or Flyer 1 1
Number of Bulletin 2 2
Number of Video 198 330
Number of Booklet 149 124
Number of Prototype 11
Number of Others


2.2.3 Number of Knowledge Sharing Events Held
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Number of Knowledge Sharing Events 3124 560


2.2.4 Number of People Participated in Addressing Gender or Female
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Number of Participant 28281 146509
Number of Male Participant 7452 32158
Number of Female Participant 20829 114351


3.1 Percentage of Institutions Engaged in Joint Research
The Kind of Data2017 201820192020
Percentage of Institutions 110%119% 124%
Number of Institutions (Numerator)4 4550 52
Number of Target Institutions (Denominator) 4142 42
Number of Indonesian Institutions3 3740 40
Number of U.S. Institutions1 810 12
Number of Academic Institutions3 4143 45
Number of Public Sectors/ GOI1 47 7


3.2 Percentage of Partnerships Created to Support Joint Research Projects
The Kind of Data 201820192020Total
Percentage of Institutions 97%63% 3%163%
Number of Institutions (Numerator) 29 19 1 49
Number of Target Institutions (Denominator) 3030 3030
Number of Leads Institutions 1912 132
Number of Affiliates Institutions 107 17


Developed 2019 by Muhammad Zulfan Zubaidi